This App is a game using Map to transfer you to a random place. You should guess the place between two available options.
Game Design:
●The game should be “easy to learn but hard to master"
●Players experience Beginner’s Luck when they start the early levels
○initially 5
○for every correct question the remaining seconds are added up to the score
○it increases by one for every answer (right or wrong)
○it increases by one for every correct answer
○start at 1
○increase by one for every 10 places
●level wins
○it increases by one for every correct answer
○it becomes zero when you start a new level
●consecutive wins
○it increases by one for every correct answer
○it becomes zero for every wrong answer
○initially 0
●timer duration
○Initially 30 secs
○Decreases by 5 for every level
○It cannot be less than 10 secs
●Get a star
○if you get MIN(5+level, 10) level wins
●Get a live
○if you get MIN(2+level, 10) wins in a row
○if you get 3 stars